Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Bushel of Cukes

We ordered a bushel of #1 Kirby cucumbers from Zellwood - they are between 3 - 4 inches long and are the perfect pickling cukes. Time to attempt jarring our pickles for the first time instead of the usual cold pack. We are making a big batch of Kosher dills and some sweet and smokey bread and butter slices with some smoked paprika (Lillie's favorite spice!)

The girls were a great help sorting and washing the cukes as well as adding the spices and herbs to the jars. A few leftover sugar snap peas were thrown in for good luck. I submerged each jar into boiling water for 10 minutes and initially didn't think they sealed correctly. Once they sat on the counter and started to cool, the lid sucked down to the jar and a perfect seal was in place. I don't think we can wait two weeks to try them - we might have to crack a jar early!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Halloween was once again filled with many treats and only a few tricks. We roasted pumpkin seeds again (salt and vinegar, smokey garlic) and spent part of the day trick or treating at Sea World.

Sadie let us all try her "boogers!" Thanks Sadie!